Problems won't savour you!!

Stop glorifying your problems,
I am fat, I am thin, I am bald, I am jobless,
I am this and that, stop it right now,
When you know what you lack simply
Try to solve it and you will be amazed
On how easily you curbed your shortfalls.
Trust and give yourself a chance to beat them!
instantinspirer (Instagram)

You Better act now and act well!!

Your greatness does not evolve when you say,

It evolves when your sayings turn into actions,

Dialogues look good on movies and on actors,

Your life is much real and more than a movie,

Act on yourself so well make every moment an Oscar!!

Cibin (

Instagram - Instantinspirer

Dream + Efforts = Blessings in Abundance

Many of us are afraid of what we want in our life,  Suppose you dream to buy a house, you know you can buy it in future, But the effort requ...